The links on this page are arranged in alphabetical order by petitioner within Province. Click below to skip directly to:
New Brunswick Settlement,
Nova Scotia Settlement,
Prince Edward Island Settlement,
Upper Canada (now Ontario) Settlement
Post-War Settlement
Currently, this section contains transcriptions of a number of original documents related to post-war settlement. As we expand it, we hope to include a quick reference table showing regiments, the date and location where they were disbanded, and notes on the areas in which they were granted land, as well as various articles and tips on searching land records in both the United States and Canada.

New Brunswick Settlement
Petition of Inhabitants of Penobscot, April 1783
List of House Owners at Penobscot, April 1783
Discharge of Mordecai Starkey, October 1783
Discharge of George Woodley, October 1783
Settlers at Passamaquoddy, 1784
Return at Passamaquoddy, February 1784
Provision Return at St. Johns River, May 1784
2nd Battn. New Jersey Volunteers who received grants in King's Co., New Brunswick, July 1784
Memorial of Lieut. Michael Ambrose for settlers on Salmon River, New Brunswick, December 1784
Memorial of Captain Arthur Maddox, January 1785
Petition of Elnathan Appleby, March 1785
Memorial of Lieut. Michael Ambrose for additional settlers on Salmon River, New Brunswick, March 1785
Memorial of Thomas Beaty, April 1785
Petition of Mary Buckelew, October 1785
Return of settlers on Block No. 4, June 1786
Description of St. John, N.B., April 1787
Petition of Thomas Peters, April 1790
Petition of Mordecai Starkey, January 1838
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Nova Scotia Settlement
Cruger to Winslow, request for land for the 1st Battalion, DeLancey's Brigade, April 1783
Return of the 2nd Battalion, DeLancey's Brigade agreed to settle in Nova Scotia, n.d.
Land Grant Warrant for Nova Scotia Volunteers, June 1783
Discharge Paper of Neil Campbell of the British Legion, Guysborough Township, Nova Scotia, October, 1783
1954 newspaper article on the house built by Neil Campbell in Port Mouton, Nova Scotia
1999 photograph of the house built by Neil Campbell in Port Mouton, Nova Scotia
Account of the wreck of the Martha Transport, October 1783
Carleton to Fox, entreaty on behalf of the survivors from the Martha, October 1783
Memorial of Ensign Benjamin Ogden, November 1783
Return of loyalists bound for Halifax on board the Clinton, January, 1784
Return of men in Lyman's Company (Prince of Wales' American Regiment) for whom land was surveyed on Nachwock-Creek, Nova Scotia, February 1784
Memorial of the settlers resident in Shelburn and Carlton Townships, Nova Scotia, March 1784
Memorial of Ensign Hibbert Newton Binney, March 1784
Memorial of Captain John McGill, May 1784
Muster Roll of the Settlers at Antigonish, July 1784
Return of men in Campbell's Company (Prince of Wales' American Regiment) for whom land was surveyed in Sunbury County, Nova Scotia, October 1784
Discharged Soldiers at Township of Clements, November 1784
Nova Scotia Volunteers' Land Grants, 1784
Memorial of John Wisdom, 1791
Memorial of Lieutenant John Fraser, December 1794
Memorial of Benning Wentworth, 1795
Photographs of chits for lots of land, Guysborough Township, Nova Scotia, undated
Return of Queen's Rangers for Lands, undated
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Prince Edward Island Settlement
An address to the American Loyalists from the officers of the King's Rangers, November, 1782
Muster Roll of the settlers on the Island of Saint John, June 1784
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Upper Canada Settlement
Petition of John Bininger, July 1792
Petition of Mary Teder, June 1795
Memorial of George Woodley, July 1795
Petition of Samuel Adams, July 1795
Petition of Nathaniel Ashford, June 1797
Petition of Benjamin Andrews, October 1797
Witness (Smith) for Nathaniel Ashford, June 1798
Petition of Elias Anderson for addition to the U.E.L. list, August 1798
Petition of John Arnold, September 1798
Petition of David Alexander, June 1800
Petition of Jonathon Austin, n.d.
Petition of James Bennet, n.d.

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