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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Memorial of Captain John McGill

To His Excellency John PARR Esq. Captain
General and Governor in Chief in and Over
His Majesty’s Province of Nova Scotia
&ca                         &ca                         &ca

The Memorial of John McGILL Captain of the late Queen’s Rangers in behalf of himself, Captains Samuel SMITH, John WHITLOCK, Æneas SHAW, & James KERR, Lt. Hugh McKAY & Cornet Benjn. M. WOOLSEY

Most Respectfully Sheweth

That your memmorialist had the honor of presenting to your Excellency a Memmorial in April last, for leave to locate lands in a more eligable Situation then, that, which in the general division fell to the lott of the Queens Rangers, which Memmorial your Excellency was pleased to aprove of and give your Memmorialist a letter to Major STUDHOLME desiring him to admitt of the Queens Rangers, to locate lands in any place on the St. John, that did not interfere with the Loyalists or other Corps who had settled on their Blocks.

That your Excellencys Memmorialist on his arival at Parr Town was informed by Major STUDHOLME, that the land particularly applyed for was a few days before located for the Loyalists, and that, there was not any place lower down on the St. John or its branches unoccupied.

Your Memmorialist therefore takes the liberty of Solociting your Excellency for leave to locate, for the officers annex’d such Lotts as are unoccupied (or vacant) in the tract of land call’d Parrsborrough lately granted to Col. LAURANCE agent for the Seconded Officers And

Your Memmorialist
&ca    &ca    &ca

Parrsborrough May 11th

Captain John McGILL, three Servants   700
Captain Samuel SMITH, three Servants   700
Captain John WHITLOCK, Mrs. WHITLOCK &
     two children, three Servants
Captain Æneas SHAW, Mrs. SHAW & 1 Child,
     three Servants
Captain James KERR, Mrs. KERR & 2 Childn.,
     three Servants
Lieutenant Hugh McKAY, two servants   500
Cornet Benjamin M. WOOLSEY, two Servants   500

Officers who do not Locate with the respective Corps, are intitled to no other land than the Kings allowance; those who settle with their Corps will be allow’d Land in proportion to their Familys, agreable to His Majestys most gracious Instructions.

Approved- In the room of such Seconded Officers, who do not mean to settle upon those Lands.


14th May 84

Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 20A, Volume 5, 1784-150.

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