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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Petition of Nathaniel Ashford

To His Honor Peter Russell Esquire President of the
Government of Upper Canada &c &c &c In Council

The Petition of Nathaniel ASHFORD of the Township of Hope

Humbly shews

That Your Petitioner resided in New York during the whole of the last war, and was employed in the Barrack Department and was in all respects a Loyalist, & in several Engagements.

That he settled in the above named Township, by the authority of Mr. WALTOR, with his Family which now consists of a Wife and Seven Children.

That his ill state of health for two years past has prevented him from getting necessary certificates but that he is well known to Mr. Laurence JOHNSON of Yonge Street and other loyalists of Kingston.

That your Petitioner's improvements are on both the Lots mentioned in the annexed Certificate of Mr. Elias SMITH and on the broken front, whereon is his meadow. Your Petitioner therefore prays your Honor would be pleased to grant him the Lots No. 1 in the 1st & 2nd Concession with the broken front.

And Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray--

Nathaniel ASHFORD

19 June 1797

National Archives of Canada, Upper Canada Land Petitions, "A" Bundle 3, 1797-1799, RG 1, L 3, Volume 2, no. 44b.

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