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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Petition of James Bennet

To His Excellency John Graves SIMCOE
Esquire Lieutenant Governor of Upper
Canada, and Major General Commanding
the Forces in said Province &ca. &ca. &ca

The Petition of James BENNET

Humbly Sheweth

That Your Petitioner Came into this Settlement in the Year 1791, is Married to the Daughter of Thomas CARTY A Loyalist, who was wounded at the Battle of Eutaw Springs in South Carolina and Died of His wounds in the Hospital in Cha[r]les Town.

Your Petitioner therefore Humbly Prays that Two Hundred Acres of land may be Granted to him, and also that Two hundred Acres the Usual Quantity allowed to the Daughters of Loyalists, May be Granted him for his wife and Your Petitioner as in Duty bound will Ever Pray


National Archives of Canada, Upper Canada Land Petitions, "B" Bundle 1, 1791-1796, RG 1, L 3, Volume 27, folio 118.

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