Nova Scotia
George the third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland, King Defender of the Faith and so forth.
To all to whom these Presents Shall Come Greeting
Know Ye that We of Our Special Grace certain Knowledge and mere motion Have Given and Granted by these presents, for as our Heirs and Successors Do Give and Grant unto Lieutenant Colonel Timothy HIERLIHY, Joseph OSBORNE, James MURPHY, James CURGENVEN, Timothy William HIERLIHY, George WETMORE, John McCOLLA, John HARDY, Caleb WHEATON, Christopher KILBY, Kohn BREARLEY, William Nesbitt SWAN, John HIERLIHY, James HIERLIHY, Nathaniel FULSOM, William McMULLEN, Thomas KENDRICK, Terence CANTY, John KELL, John DEMMITT, William SAMWISE, Samuel MAHONY, Joseph WALPOLE, William CONNELL, William SMITH, Patrick NORRIS, Ringd. JACKSON, Peter CROTTY, John KELL Senior, Michael WEBB, John BARONHAWK, John ADAMS, George THOMAS, James GRADY, William MURPHY, John KIEF, John PRATT, William DAVIS, Richard BALDWIN, Patrick BOYLEN, Hugh RUSSELL, Christopher COFFEE, Daniel LYNCH, John ROACH, Thomas RUSSELL, Michael O’BRIEN, Dennis DUNFY, John LAMB, Thomas KERVIN, William CHARLY, John REVINS, Anthony SENATOR, Anthony ROADY, William DUNN, Thomas LYNCH, John KELLY, Daniel LYONS, Michael MULCAHY, William RYAN, William KIEF, Thomas DRYDEN, William ALLERN, Thomas CAHEL, William MASON, Patrick MASON, John HASE, Hugh TARREL, John GARRETT, James FITZGERALD, John JOHNSON, James GRALTO, James McELMON, James GRADY, John PORTER, Thomas TANKARD, Thomas DOYLE, James O’BRIEN, John William SHILLENY, Patrick SHEHAN, Edmund CONNELL, Joseph HUNT, Thomas RICE, George MALLENTAL, Benjamin COOK, Nicholas HEATH, Patrick McNEMARAH, Thomas STAPLETON, John MURPHY, John MYRES and Thomas CLARK, and John ADAMS, in Severally and in Severally unto their and every of their Several and respective Heirs and assigns, a Tract of Land Containing Twenty one thousand Six Hundred Acres, in the County of Halifax in Our province of Nova Scotia, Bounded and abutted Situate laying and being as follows to wit. Being at the Head of the Bay of St. Lewis…
Public Archives of Nova Scotia, RG 20A, Volume 5, No. 1784-136.

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