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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Post War Settlement
Discharge Papers of Mordecai Starkey

Thank you to Gayle (Starkey) Pittman of Texas for her kind donation of the discharge papers of Mordecai Starkey, her third great-grandfather. She has also donated a copy of his petition for relief of old soldiers from 1838.

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By Lieut. Coll Abram BUSKIRK Esquire,
Commanding the 3d Battn New Jersey Volunteers

These are to Certify, That the Bearer hereof, Mordecai
, - - - - private Soldier in the aforesaid
regiment, and in Capt. Norman McLEODS company, hath
served honestly and faithfully, for the space of Seven Years
                        and is hereby discharged;

He having first received all just demands of pay, cloathing, &c. from his entering into the said regiment, to the date of his discharge, as appears by his receipt underneath.

                        Given under my hand, and the seal of the regiment, at St. Johns
this Tenth day of October 1783 --
                                                William VAN ALLEN Capt. Commdg
                                                3rd Battn New Jersey Volunteers

By Command of His Excellency,
The Commander in Chief,

      Deputy Insp. Gen.
of British American Forces.

To all concerned,            }
          civil or military.      }

I DO acknowledge to have received my full pay, arears of pay, cloath-
ing, &c. and all other just demands from my Colonel and Captain,
from the time of my first inlisting to the day above. As also -- Two --
weeks pay to carry me to St. Johns River -- -- -- -- --
Witness my hand, this --- Tenth --- day of --- October --- 1783 ---

Mordecai  X  STARKEY

Provincial Archives of New Brunswick, RS 24, 1838, Petition #162, Attachment.

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