Post War Settlement |
His Excellency John Graves SIMCOE Esquire Lieutenant Governor, General and Commander in Chief of the Province of Upper Canada &c &c &c in Council. |
The Petition of Samuel ADAMS Humbly Sheweth That your Excellency's Petitioner Joined His Majesty's Forces at Montreal in April 1776, shared the Fatigues and Dangers of the Campaign of that year, on Lake Champlain &c. In the spring 1777 he again Crossed the Lake under General BURGOYNE and by his Orders raised a Company of Rangers and continued under his immediate command until his Capitulation at Saratoga, and then returned to Canada. Your Petitioner Cloathed the Soldiers, & paid both them and the Officers of the said Company without any Assistance from Government, except Forty Guineas which he received from General BURGOYNE when he raised the Company. Your Petitioner served with Six of his Sons during the War, One was appointed a Lieut. in Colonel JESSEP's Corps; and the other Five remained in your Petitioners Company, One appointed a Serjeant and Four were Privates. Your Petitioner never Located any Land in the Eastern District where he has resided since the Peace, and being desirous of settling in the Vicinity of Long Point, Prays your Excellency will indulge him with a Grant at that place for himself and his Six Sons: All Land which they have Located where they now live, they wish to resign to Government except 500 Acres which the Lieutenant holds and they will immediately remove with your Petitioner. Your Petitioner hopes your Excellency will please to take the Premises into consideration, and grant such relief as through your Goodness may seem meet and he in duty bound will ever pray.
Newark 20th July 1795
National Archives of Canada, Upper Canada Land Petitions, "A" Bundle 1, 1792-1796, RG 1, L 3, Volume 1, no. 42. Click here for ---> Post War Settlement Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies Copyright Restrictions Document Formatting Optimal Viewing |