The links on this page will take you to various articles, period papers and other records of the Indian Department.

List of Col. Johnson's Indian Department., n.d.
Return of Captain Tice's Party, n.d.
List of Col. Johnson's Indian Department., ca. 1776
Return of Officers, 1776
Germain to Carleton on Appointment of Claus, 1777
Johnson to Mackenzie, 1777
Claus to Johnson Regarding Fort Stanwix, 1777
Tice to Johnson, 1777
Butler to Chew (Decareaderoga), Thanks, 1780
Guy Johnson to Captain Nelles, 1781
John Dease to Captain Nelles, 1781
Obituary of Captain Alexander Cameron, 1782
Instructions to Colonel Waters, 1782
Appointment of Johnson as Superintendant General and Inspector General of the Six Nations, 1782
Battles of Bryant's Station and Blue Licks, 1782
Graham to Carleton, 1782
Maclean to Nelles Regarding Fat Cows, 1783
Estimate of Property Losses, n.d.
Witness (Brant) for Various Men, 1787

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For information please contact Todd Braisted
Updated 2/01/01
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