Try as we might, we couldn't seem to classify all of the documents that we wanted to present into neat categories. It was probably inevitable that we would wind up with a certain number of miscellaneous pieces of material that didn't fit neatly into any of the existing sections.
This area is where you will find those materials. There are a number of proclamations, a few pieces of rebel correspondence regarding the Loyalists and sundry and assorted other documents.
We hope you enjoy them!

Tories to be Arrested, St. Andrews Parish, Georgia, 1776
Pardon for the Rebels, 1776
Distribution of Grant's Troops in New Jersey, 1776
George Washington to John Hancock on the Eve of the Battle of Trenton, 1776
The Capture of Daniel Strang, 1777
Tonyn to Prevost, 1777
Tryon's Proclamation Offering Rewards, 1778
Celebration of the King's Birthday, 1779
Toasts to the King's Birthday, 1779
Maxwell to George Washington, Various Matters, 1779
Washington to Maxwell, Response, 1779
Wreck of the North and the St. Helena, 1779
G. Germain Letter - Entitlement to Establishment, 1780
Fireworks for King's Birthday, 1780
State of the Provincial Forces in North America, 1780
George Washington to Col. Scammell, Orders, 1781
Celebration of the King's Birthday, 1781
Brice to Winslow Requesting Increased Pay, 1781
Loyalist Declaration of Independence, 1781
Brice to Winslow, Additional Returns, 1782
Orders Regarding Claims within the Lines, 1783
A Profile of the Common Loyalist Soldier
Rebel Deserters to the Loyalist Cause

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted
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