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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Indian Department
Property Losses Sustained

Estimate of Property [losses], both real & Personal, sustained by the following Persons, in the late War with the Americans on Account of their Loyalty and Attachment to His Majesty’s Person and Government, and who have Acted as Rangers in the Six Nation Indian Department under the direction of Colonel Daniel CLAUS, Agent for Indian Affairs in Canada.

Male Children 16 Males Females over
Names Women Years & upwards under 7 13 Years
Anthony BRADT
Frederick OLIVER 1 2 1 2
Phillip MORAK 1 1
Garrat SEXBY 1
Martin WALDROFF 1 2 1 2
Simon CLARK   1           1        
Total       7 Men 5 4 4 4
FemalesProvince they
Names under 7 resided in County Occupations
Anthony BRADT Prov. of N. Y. Albany Farmer
Frederick OLIVER 1 do do do
Phillip MORAK do do do
Adam SAGAR do do do
Garrat SEXBY do do do
Martin WALDROFF do Tryon do
Simon CLARK   1   do do do
Total 2
Value of their Possessions
Names in New York Currency Sterling
Anthony BRADT £  1765.    4.    –
Frederick OLIVER    1266.    9.    –
Phillip MORAK      563.    –     –
Adam SAGAR      418.    8.    –
Garrat SEXBY      797.    –     –
Martin WALDROFF    1194.  10.    –
Simon CLARK        915.    –    –                                
   6919.  11.    – £  3892.    4.  111/4

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 54, folio 92.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 5/01/00

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