Indian Department |
Whitehall 18th March 1782. Sir, The King having been graciously pleased to appoint you Superintendant General and Inspector General of the Six Nations of Indians and their Confederates, and also of the Indians in the province of Quebec, and in the Provinces lying on the Frontiers thereof; I am happy to inform you of this Mark of His Majesty’s Favor and Confidence, and as it conveys to you most authentically His Royal approbation of your former Services, it will, I am sure, impress you with the warmest Sentiments of Duty and Gratitude, and excite you to exert your utmost endeavors to render your present Appointment beneficial to the Public, by establishing a strict Economy through all branches of your Department, which will be the best means of recommending yourself to His Majesty’s further Favor and Attention. You will see by the Terms of your Warrant that you are to follow such Orders and Instructions as you shall receive from the Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces in the Province of Quebec, and I have signified to General HALDIMAND His Majesty’s Pleasure that he should make you such Allowances for your Services and Expences as he shall judge adequate and proper. I have therefore only to signify to you His Majesty’s Commands that you do with all possible expedition return to Quebec and take upon you the exercise of the very important Office to which you are appointed, and immediately after your arrival address yourself to General HALDIMAND, or the Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Forces, who will give you Orders for your further proceedings, which you are in all cases to pay the most exact and punctual Obedience to.
Sir, Sir John JOHNSON Bart.
New York Public Library, Theodorus Bailey Myers Collection, No. MY244. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More Indian Department History
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