Indian Department |
Niagara May the 24th 1781 Dear Sir I am Glad to hear from Every Account from your Quarter, that you Enjoy Good health & I hope Every Other Satisfaction that place Affords. You did well to send Your Son out with the Warr party & Sincerely wish him much Success indeed by all Accts. He omits no Opportunity to improveing himself. We have been very happy in having Good News from the southward. All our prisoners Agree in their information that Lord CORNWALLIS has entirely Defeated the Rebels in North Carolina And that the French fleet & troops that follow’d Genl. ARNOLD were Overtaken by our fleet under Admiral ARBUTHNOT & mostly taken The Communication of the River St. Laurence is not Yet Open below Quebec—there were some boats from Montreal Arrived at Carleton Island. Mr. THOMPSON & his partner are come up to this place in the Last Vessell & brought with them 6 boats Loaded With Merchandise. I believe they will proceed to Detroit. I hope you don’t forgett What I mention’d to you in a former letter About buying any likely Young horses. I hear that the party that came from Bowmans Creek with David & Lieut. BOWEN have brought a handsome Large mare, if Young & Sound I wou’d be Obliged to you to purchase her for me & When in Good Order to send her Down. The Bearer has brought in a small bay mare belonging to Ben. BEACROFT my Servt.– he Borrowed her from an Indn. in Youcasito. I wish you’d Apply to the Indn. to Restore her to B. Ben who can prove his property to her. I inform’d Coll. JOHNSON that I wou’d Write to You on the Subject & make no Doubt You’ll Settle the matter properly. I shou’d be Glad You’d favor me with a Letter & let me know What you [do] in regard to the horses. I want a handsome one for the General & Another for Major SKEENE. Shou’d you find Any horse belonging to the Department you should Seize them & send them Down. Our last Accts. from Carleton Island inform us that Big John from Fort Hunter & his party in No. 45 were Down on the Mohoc River Near Canajohary & took 2 Scalps & 4 prisoners all belonging to Baxters family whose place they burnt & Scalpt himself. They mention the News I before Related to You.
I am Dr. Sir [addressed] Archives of Ontario, Henry Nelles Papers, MU 3296.5. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More Indian Department History
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