Index to New Jersey Volunteers History |
Silver Belt Plate, Ensign Justus Earle, 4th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers

Accession No. 2006.1 Collections of the New Brunswick Museum
The links on this page will take you to various articles, period papers and other records of the New Jersey Volunteers.

A History of the 1st Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers
A History of the 2nd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers
A History of the 3rd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers
A History of the 4th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers (in 2 parts)
A History of the 5th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers
A History of the 6th Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers
Uniforms & Accoutrements of the New Jersey Volunteers
Biographical Sketch of Brigadier General Cortland Skinner
The Wartime Adventures of Lt. James Moody
List of Officers, 1776-1783
Prisoners' Letter to Congress, 1777
Call Roll of Captain Arthur Maddox's Company, 1777
Call Roll of Captain Cayford's Company, 1777
Call Roll of Major Timpany's Company, 1777
Call Roll of Captain David Alston's Company, 1777
Dubois to Clinton, Executions of James Iliff & John Mee, 1777
Raids on Squan & Shark River, New Jersey, 1778
Officers' Thank-You Letter to Bayard, 1778
Report of Landing at Shoal Harbour, 1778
Ford to Washington, Skirmish at Shrewsbury/Middleton, 1779
Authorization for Ellerback to Recruit, 1779
Buskirk Recommends Mercy for Taswell, 1779
Weekly State of the 2nd Battalion, 1779
Samuel Ryerson to his Brother, 1779
State of the Garrison at Sandy Hook Lighthouse, 1780
Memorial of Reverend Daniel Batwell, 1780
Obituary of Rev. Thomas Barton, 1780
Skinner to André, 1780
Duer to Malcolm Re the Prisoner, James Moody, 1780
Moody to the Rebel Colonel Lamb Protesting his Innocence, 1780
Print of James Moody in Sussex County, NJ Jail
Officers Recommended for Commissions, 4th Battalion, 1780
Formation of a Light Infantry Company, 1780
Return of the 3rd Battalion after Augusta, 1780
Barton to André with Complaints about Skinner, 1780
Captain Ryerse's Parole, 1780
Order to Supply Arms, 1780
Anthony Allaire's Account of the Battle of King's Mountain, 1781
Widow Mary Van Gordon Petition for Provisions, 1781
Return of Baggage &c Taken, 1783
Return on board brig Olive Branch, 1783
Return on board brig Ranger, 1783
Men of the 2nd Battalion Receiving Land in King's Co., New Brunswick, 1784