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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

New Jersey Volunteers
Porterfield to Clinton,
Raids at Squan & Shark River, NJ


I have the Honor to inform your Excellency of the proceedings of the detachment, under my Command from their leaving the Hook.

The 5th about 3 O’Clock in the morning, we weighed, and at 8 O’Clock we anchored off Squan Inlet, after reconoitring the place from the Vessells, we landed at about one hundred yards distance from a Saltwork, on the left of the Inlet, which we immediately destroyed.

We then proceeded, and most compleately demolished a very considerable work on the right of the Inlet, which belonged to the Congress, and is said to have cost Six thousand pounds; likewise some others contiguous, but of less consequence — after compleating the above, we re-embarked without opposition.

The same day in the afternoon, we weighed and anchored off Shark. We landed a reconoitring party to examine the Country, but the wind coming to the Eastward occasioned a very high Surf, and made it necessary in the opinion of Capt. COLLINS, to re-embark, as he apprehended it would encrease, and render it impracticable to get the Boats off. We immediately & with some difficulty re-embarked & proceeded to the Hook.

The dispatch that was necessary in destroying the Works, prevented our taking an exact account of everything; but there was at least one hundred houses, each containing from 8 to 10 Kettles and Boilers, (a great part of which were copper) for the purpose of making salt.

We also destroyed a large quantity of Beef and Bacon, mostly dried, & a great deal of ready made salt.

We likewise destroyed a Sloop partly loaded with flour belonging to Boston & a quantity of Grain, which we found on the Beach.

For particulars I refer your Excellency to Capt. ROBERTSON, of the 35th Regt.

I have the Honor to be
Your obt. hble ser.
Capt. 71st Regt.

Staaten Island
   7th April 1778

[Sir Henry CLINTON]

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 33, item 15.

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