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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

New Jersey Volunteers
Memorial of Reverend Daniel Batwell

To the Right Honble the Lords
Commissioners of his Majesty’s Treasury

The Memorial of the Revd. Daniel BATWELL, Clerk

Humbly Sheweth

That your Memorialist went over a Missionary to Pennsylvania from the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in the beginning of the year 1774, and was entrusted with the care of the Churches in that Province to the West of the River Susquehanna

That for steadfastly adhering to his loyalty he Sustained various insults and indignities, was thrown into a river by the barbarous populace, was Seized in the dead of night by order of the usurping Powers, imprisoned for the Space of five months, and at length in Feby. 1778 Sent by a resolve of the rebel Congress into the British Lines at Philadelphia with the loss of his health, and property.

That upon his arrival in that City he was appointed Chaplain of a Battalion of Provincials, and remained in sick-quarters there, and at New York till the last Fleet Sailed for England, when the Commander in Chief was plased to give him leave to return home for the recovery of his health.

That your Memorialist being now landed with his family consisting of a Wife, and three Children finds himself compelled by necessity to apply to that Royal Bounty which as been so graciously shewn to the Suffering Loyalists.

Your Memorialist therefore humbly intreats Your Lordships to take into consideration his distressed condition, and to grant him such relief as your Lordships in your Wisdom, and Goodness shall think fit.

And your Memorialist &c, &c &c.

Missry. of York and Cumberland
Counties in Pennsylvania

London April 4th 1780

I believe the Contents of the above Memorial to be true, & that the Memorialist is a very worthy Clergyman, highly deserving of the consideration & favour of the Right Honble Board of Treasury.

Apr. 19 1780

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 70B, folio 137.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 5/01/00

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