The links on this page will take you to various articles, period papers and other records of the King's American Regiment.

A History of the King's American Regiment (in 8 parts)
Part 1 - Introduction & Recruiting a Regiment,
Part 2 - From Recruits to Soldiers,
Part 3 - New York 1777,
Part 4 - Rhode Island 1778,
Part 5 - Raiders & Refugees 1779,
Part 6 - To the South 1780/1781,
Part 7 - Savannah 1781/1782,
Part 8 - Into History 1782/1783
Letter from Edmund Fanning to his Father, 1777
Rescue of Capt. McAlpine, 1777
Pass for Peters & Fairbank, 1777
Letter from Edmund Fanning to his Sister, 1778
Tryon to Fanning, 1778
Return of Killed & Wounded at Quaker Hill, 1778
Witness for Lt. Thomas Gibson, 1780
Grant to André Re Disputed Men, 1780
Recruiting Notice, 1781
Prohibition of Liquor & Credit, 1781
Notification of Recommendation for American Establishment, 1781
Rawdon to Fanning, 1781
King's Approval of Clinton's Recommendation for American Establishment, 1781
Notification of Placement on British Establishment, 1783
Campbell to Gideon White, 1783
John Wickham to his Uncle, Edmund Fanning, 1783
Orders for Invalids to Rejoin Regiment, 1783
Memorial of Lt. Col. George Campbell, 1783

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For information please contact Todd Braisted
Updated 10/01/00
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