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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Other Facts/Records
Washington to Maxwell

Head Quarters West Point 16th Novemr. 1779


I have recd. yours of the 13th. You will be pleased to forward the inclosed to Govr. Livingston. Light horse.

Should there be occasion to act, the State Regt. and Militia will undoubtedly be under the command of you or the last continental Officer who may be upon the spot.

The men taken on board the Vessel who were deserters from the Brigade are unquestionably to be tried as deserters found in Arms with the Enemy.

I have recd. an account of our repulse in Georgia, but not the particulars.

I am &c
[George Washington]

Genl. Maxwell

Library of Congress, George Washington Papers, Series 4, Reel 62, 21 October 1779 - 8 December 1779.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

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