Distribution of the Troops in New Jersey Commanded by Major General GRANT
December 16, 1776.
Head Quarters Brunswick |
42 Regiment, 2 Battns. } |
Hessian Granidiers, 1 Battn. } |
Burlington |
a Detachment of Jagers } |
Hessian Granidiers, 1 Battn. |
Communication from Burdington to Burlington |
Hessian Granidiers, 2 Battns & Jagers |
Burdington |
Rawls Brigade, 20 Dragoons with 50 Jagers |
Trentown |
2 Battn. Light Infantry |
Maidenhead |
2 Brigade & 3 Troops of the 16 Light Dragoons |
Prince Town |
1 Battn. Light Infantry |
Kingston |
4 Brigade, 3 Battns. |
Millstone River |
Granidiers & Guards with 3 Troops Light Dragoons |
Brunswick |
46 Regimt. |
Wood Bridge & Raway |
1 Troop 17th Light Dragoons |
Spank Town |
33 Regiment |
Amboy |
Waldeckers & a Troop 17 Light Dragoons |
Elizabeth Town |
2 Battns. 71 Regiment |
Newark |
1 ditto |
Aquaquacenack |
26 Regiment |
Hackinsack |
7 Regiment |
New Bridge |
57 Regiment |
Bergen |
a Detachment of 50 from 57 Regt. at Powleshook |
1st Brigade of Brittish, 4 Battns. } |
Hessians, 3 Battns. } |
New York |
2 Troops Dragoons } |
6 Brigade |
Harlem & Communication |
Knyphausens Brigade Hessians |
Fort Knyphausen, near Kings Bridge |
Lieutenant Colonel Rogers Core of Rangers |
Yonkers |
Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21,687, folio 321.

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