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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Butler's Rangers/Indian Dept.
Skirmish at Sandusky, Ohio


Camp, Upper Sandoski, June the 7th [1782]


I am happy in having the pleasure of acquainting you with our success on the 4th & 5th inst.

On the 4th about 12 Oclock the Enemy appeared about two Miles from this, Capt. CALDWELL with the Rangers and about 200 Indians, marched out to fight them and attacked them about 2 Oclock,

the Enemy immediately retreated to a Copse of woods at a little distance where they made a stand and had every advantage of us, as to Situation of ground people possibly could wish for as there was but a small neck of woods that we could get possession which when we once gained the action became general and was dubious for some time till we obliged them to retreat about 50 Yds after which were able to cover most off [sic-of] our men,

the battle was very hot, till night, which put a stop to fireing, both partys kept their ground all Night.

On the 5th at day break, we again commenced firing which we kept up pretty briskly till we found the Enemy did not wish to engage us again.

We kept fireing at them when ever they durst show themselves, they made two attempts to sally but were repulsed with loss,

about 12 Oclock we were joined by 140 Shawanese and had got the Enemy Surrounded, but through some mistake of the Indians there was one pass left unguarded, through which they made their escape

about 12 at Night though some of the Indians perceived them they never alarmed our Camp till day break as soon as ever I heard it I pursued them with the Rangers about 20 Miles, as the Enemy was mostly on horseback some of the Indians who had horses and over[took] them, killed a Number and it was owing to nothing but the Country's being very clear that any of them escaped.

Capt. CALDWELL was wounded in both legs the ball lodged in the one, he left the field in the beginning of the action our loss is very inconsiderable we had but 1 Ranger killed, 4 Indians kill'd and 8 Wounded, the loss of the Enemy is 100 killed and 50 Wounded as we are informed by prisoners the number of the killed we are certain off.

Capt. CALDWELL went to Lower Sandosky on the Evening of the 4th Inst. I intend to march to lower Sandosky likewise in a day or two where I shall wait your orders unless something should turn up before I hear from you, they say Clark will be in the Shawanese Country and that Sandoskie is the properest place for us to be till such time as we are certain the report is true.

Too much cannot be said, in praise of the Officers, the Men & the Indians no people could behave better. Capt. ELLIOT and Lt. CLINCH in particular Signalized themselves.

I am Sir with Mr. CLINCHes Compliments
Your most Obedt. Humble Servant
John TURNEY Lieut.
of Rangers Commanding
upper Sandoskie

Major DePEYSTER Commdt. Detroit &ca.

Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21,783, folios 169-170.

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