Borne each gallant lad, who'd for glory quit care
To the Drum, to the D, to the D head with spirit repair
Each recruit here takes his glass
Each young Soldier quits his lass
When the Drum beats Tatoo, When ye D beats Tattoo,
Retires the Night to pass
Each Night, gayly, lads, thus we merrily waste
Till the Drum, till ye D, till ye D tells us it is past,
Picquets Arms at dawn now Shine
Each Drum ruffs it down the line
Hark the Drum beats Reveille, hark ye D bts. Reveille,
Saluting the Day divine
But hark yonder shot, see that standard alarm
Now the Drum, now ye D, now ye D beats loud to Arms
Killed and wounded how they be
Helter Skeltor see them fly
Then the Drum beats retreat, then the D beats retreat,
And we fire the Foi de Joye
From the Journal and Orderly Book of Lieutenant Anthony ALLAIRE, Loyal American Regiment.

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