Major Figures |
To the Honorable the Commissioners appointed by Act of Parliament for enquiring into the Losses and Services of the American Loyalists |
The Memorial of Thomas PARKE Most Humbly Sheweth That your Memorialist is a native of England, and went to America in the year 1765, where he entered into the service of William FRANKLIN Esquire, then Governor of New Jersey. That having a very desirable situation, and possessing the Governor's Regard and Favor, he remained with him until June 1776 when the Governor was made Prisoner by order of Congress. That the attachment your Memorialist bore to the Governor, not only led him to follow his Political principles, but to attend him through the whole of his Confinement. That while the Governor was in Prison in Connecticut, your Memorialist went with private Dispatches from him, in the Month of August 1776, which were delivered to Mrs. FRANKLIN at Amboy in New Jersey, for the Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Troops. That in the Month of December following your Memorialist was again sent with Dispatches by the Governor which he safely delivered to Brigadier General SKINNER at New York: both which Services were performed at great risk and danger. That in the course of your Memorialist's Service, and previous to his being sent into Connecticut, he had, by his frugality, saved one hundred Pounds Currency, which was intended as the Payment for One thousand Acres of Land, he had agreed to purchase in the Province of New York. The War taking place, and being sent into Captivity, prevented the completion of the Purchase, and occasioned such an encrease of expence for Cloaths and other necessaries requisite in his situation, as to entirely consume the Sum he had so saved. That in the Fire which happened at New York in 1778, your Memorialist had the misfortune to lose goods and effects, which were deposited with the Governor's in the King's Stores, to the amount of about Thirty Pounds Currency. That in consequence of the termination of the War, your Memorialist has lost the opportunity of being decently provided for, as was intended, by the Governor. Your Memorialist therefore most humbly Prays, you will take his case into your consideration, and in consequence of the long time he remained Prisoner, with the Governor (which, otherwise, he might have employed to considerable advantage), the loss he sustained by the unavoidable disbursement of the money he had saved. The destruction of his effects, and, of the probable disadvantages resulting to him, from the conclusion of the war, that you will be favorably pleased to grant him such Relief, as shall, in your wisdom appear reasonable.
And your Memorialist shall ever Pray Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 111, page 88. Click here for ---> Major Figures Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies Copyright Restrictions Document Formatting Optimal Viewing |