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Duplicate Whitehall 22d January 1779. Sir, I congratulate with you most sincerely upon your deliverance from your long & severe Confinement in the hands of the Rebels, & I shall rejoice to hear you have recovered your Health with your Liberty, & that the remembrance of the hardships you have undergone is all that remains to affect you of them; and I have great Satisfaction in being able to acquaint you His Majesty is fully pursuaded of your zeal & Attachment, & I have no doubt, when the occasion offers, will reward your Merit, & it will in the mean time be a farther Consolation to you to find that attention has been immediately shewn to your Situation by the Lords of the Treasury upon my communicating to them your Letter No. 3. Their Lordships having directed Milward ROWE Esqr. of their office to pay to your Attorney £ 500 for your present use, and £ 125 Pr. Quarter to commence the 9th of this Month, as an Allowance for your Support untill you are restored to your Government, or otherwise provided for; You will therefore lose no time in appointing a Person here to receive it for you. I am much obliged to you for the very important Information contained in your No. 4 & you may rest assured that no part of it shall ever get into hands capable of using it to your prejudice in any Event. The Picture you draw of the People's sufferings & the Tyranny of their Rulers is very striking and corroberates the varioius Accounts we had before received, & encourages us to hope that when they see Great Britain determined to prosecute the War and compell them to return to their Allegiance, & have found how little their Alliance with France has availed them, their natural good Sense will at length prevail over their prejudices & induce them to make an Effort to deliver themselves from the Oppression they groan under & seek to be restored again to that Constitutional Liberty & Happiness they so wantonly abondoned. I intirely agree with you in opinion that the War should be carried on in a manner better calculated to make them feel their distresses than the mode hitherto pursued, & I also concur with you in thinking Advantage should be taken of our Success in getting Possession of any County to establish a Civil Government which they would find it their Interest and Inclination to support & defend; & I am not without hopes, Sir, some Opportunity will present itself in the course of the Campaign which Sir Henry CLINTON will think fit to be embraced for restoring you to the Exercise of your Function in the Jersies.
I am Sir, Governor FRANKLIN
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 109, pages 310-311. Click here for ---> Major Figures Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies Copyright Restrictions Document Formatting Optimal Viewing |