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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Major Figures
Oliver DeLancey, Sr. to Oliver, Jr.

New York ye 15 Sept. 1780

My Dear Oliver

As You Promised me Sometime before His Excellency went on that Happy and Succesfull Expedition to Charles Town you would Solicit S Henry CLINTON on the Affair of My Pay as Colonel of DeLanceys first Battallion My having Little opportunity of Speaking to You, and Knowing a Quicernos [?] in Myself in Making Applications for what I Construe to be My Just Due.

I have only to Putt You in Mind that I Expect You will Make the Aplication

You Can Inform the General that on the 4 Sept. 1776 Sir W[illiam] H[OWE] on His own Idea of My Services Gave me a Warrant in Authentic Fo[rm] to Raise three Battallions Each to Consist of 500 Men Each that I was to Recommend the Officers for his Aprobation & for Commissions

that on ye 29 Septr. 1776 I was in orders as Colonel of DeLanceys first Battallion for Which I Raised a Compleat Company at Great Expence

that During Sir William HOW's Command I was Generally So Distant from Head Quarters where I had been told that My Warrant & Being in General Orders as Brigadier and Colonel was as Valid as having [a] formal Commission.

That the Present Commander in Chief did give me a Commission Dated ye 25 May 1778

I Can assert that Neither I or any Other Person Did Receive pay in ye Said Battallion as Colonel before ye 24th September 1779 So that I am Justly Intitled to Pay from ye 29 Sept. 1776 but at any Rate from ye 25 May 1778 to ye 24 Sept. 1779.

As I Cannot Conjecture a Reason for your not having made the Desired Requisition you [will] be Pleased now to Do it

I have Inclosed Colo. INNIS Certificate which You have returned to me as it is a voucher of ye Propriety of of [sic] My Demand which I Desire You May now Do or Putt this Letter into Sir Henry CLINTON's Hand

I ever am

Your Most Affectionate Father
Oliver DeLANCEY Br. Gl.

Major Oliver DeLANCEY A D Camp
     to ye Commander in Chief

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 123, folio 22a.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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