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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Major Figures
Memorial of Oliver DeLancey, Sr.

The Memorial of Brigadier General Oliver DeLANCEY

Humbly Sheweth,

That on the 15th of September, 1776, he came with the Army, then commanded by His Excellency The Honorable Sir William HOWE, to New York Island;

that at his House he found a great quantity of Forage, Cattle and Produce of all kinds that he had obstinately kept from the Rebels for the use of The King's Army, the produce of three Farms at that time in the Hands and Management of his Wife and Servants.

That Part of the Army consisting of the Hessian Regiments of Colonel BLOCK, HACKENBERG, De LOOS, DONOP, GOSEN, the Hessian Grenadiers and Artillery under the immediate Command of General STERN; the 28th Regiment, the 42d, part of the 71st, the Grenadier and Light Infantry of the Army were then, or great part of them, with their Waggons and Numberless Horses encamped on Your Memorialist's Farm at Bloomingdale and the adjoining Grounds;

that having himself a Command on Long Island his Property lay open to the Will of the Army and was destroyed and taken away to a considerable Amount.

That from clear Proof he formed an Account the 20th October following which he afterwards delivered to Daniel CHAMIER Esqr., Commissary General, who waited on Sir William HOWE with it before he could Pay it.

That Vouchers were demanded for the Expenditure of the Amount I charged which was wholly impossible for me to comply with, but must depend on my Assertion on Honor or Oath both or either of which I was ready to comply with, but meeting with Delays and being in pressing want of what I knew in Justice I ought to be Paid, I desired my Son Captain DeLANCEY to apply to Sir William ERSKINE to lend his friendly Assistance in an Affair very serious to me.

He accordingly desired my Son to get the Accounts from Mr. CHAMIER which were delivered to him, and I have the best Reason to think he meant to do me every Service.

That on my Application to Sir William ERSKINE Yesterday he told me had left my Account with Sir William HOWE, and advised me to draw an Account and to give in a Memorial to your Excellency with it, which I now do in hopes of receiving the Amount of what I have charged which is very inadequate to the Damage I sustained from the Army,

and therefore pray you will be pleased to order me Payment that I may in some measure alleviate the Miseries of a Family reduced from Affluence by the destructive Effect of War, which has particularly affected your Memorialist.

[28 November 1777]

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Audit Office, Class 13, Volume 3, pages 287-289.

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