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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Jamaica/Nicaragua Campaign
Request for Arms &ca


Black River Mosquito Shore
19th November 1779


Since writing your Excellency of yesterday, I have received Letters from Adjutant General DALRYMPLE confirming the account of the reduction of Port Amoa, the General points out the necessity of a reinforcement from hence, they soon will want provisions, I will do all I can, but if I arm fifty Mosquito men I shall then be left destitute of Arms and Ammunition for the defence of this place, the Company I have raised cannot be spared from hence,

I have employed James Pitt LAURIE who is warmly recommended by General DALRYMPLE for his activity against Amoa to raise what Volunteers he can with a party of Mosquito men; also Mr. Daniel YOUNG to raise another Company of Trusty Negroes, Indians &c., to go directly down, shall also endeavour to send them some Cattle in short, I will do every thing in my power to assist them but must intreat your Excellency will send me Arms, Ammunition and Presents for the Indians, which is now more necessary as General DALRYMPLE informs me the Mosquito Chiefs and Spaniards, it appears that they have had several meetings,

and Isaac who, I now send to your Excellency, has declared to a Mosquito man I can confide in his being at Carpenters River, receiving Presents from the Commanding Officer there, who told him that he must desire his Countrymen to stand neuter in the present Contest, and they should have more presents from Spain in one Year than ever they received from England; that he would soon see England destroyed by the united force of France, Spain, Portugal and America, I hope I have changed Isaac's Sentiments and shall make him usefull.

The Mosquito Men that are returned from Port Amoa seem perfectly satisfied with Adjutant General DALRYMPLE.

I have requested Mr. James THOMSON to endeavor with your Excellency's approbation to inlist a few free men in Jamaica in which case I would discharge a Negro for each, or if your Excellency thinks proper would form them into another Company of fifty men which I can raise, if your Excellency will give me leave to appoint the Officers,

I must again point out to your Excellency the necessity of victualling this Company from Jamaica, the poverty of this Settlement being unequal to the Task, I am also greatly distressed from Money to pay workmen employed in erecting our blockhouses which is absolutely necessary; if your Excellency would give orders to remit me about Three hundred pounds in Specie it would be greatly for His Majesty's Service.

If your Excellency thinks proper to furnish me with Arms, Ammunition and some presents, I will endeavour to lead the Mosquito Indians against the Spaniards in different excursions, that will ever prevent any Friendship from commencing between them in future.

I hope your Excellency will pardon the liberty I have taken, and believe me to be with the greatest respect.

Your Excellency's
Most Obedient and
Most humble Servant
(signed)  J: LAURIE

   Permit me to ask your Excellency what encouragement I may offer to any Gentlemen of the Shore who could raise a Company of Indians for the Public Service have Clothed, Armed & ca.

   Give me leave also to recommend to your Excellency Mr. David LAMB to be appointed Adjutant to the Company now raised and those to be raised, he is an Old Soldier and has had much trouble with the Militia here.

In Govr. DALLING's (No. 59)
of 4th Febry. 1780.

Great Britain, Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 137, Volume 76, folios 232-233.

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