Female Ancestors |
To His Excellency Sir Henry CLINTON K.B. General and Commander in Chief of all His Majestys Forces lying and being on the Atlantick Ocean from Nova Scotia to West Florida Inclusive &c &c &c |
The Memorial of Sarah WHEELER, widow of the late Josiah WHEELER a Lieutenant in the Prince of Wales’s American Volunteers, humbly representeth, that your Memorialist’s late Husband was an Inhabitant of Norfield in the County of Fairfield, in the Province of Connecticut, and was ever firmly, Attached to the Person and Government of our Gracious Sovereign King George the third; in consequence where of he raised the number of men required by Government to intitle him to a Lieutenancy, and accordingly received a Commission from His Excellency Sr. William HOWE, then Commander in Chief, hearing date the twelfth day of April 1777, and served in the above named Regiment untill his Death which happened on the sixth day of March last past. That your Memorialist’s late Husband, left a Handsom dear Estate in Connecticut, which without doubt is confiscated by the usurpers, in Consequence of his serving His King and Country, and having left your Memorialist in poor circumstances with three Children depending (under the Divine Providence) on your Excellencys Bounty; and she having just reason to depend on your Benevolence, humbly implores that, Your Excellency will be pleased to extend to her and her indigent Orphans, also that kindness much Distinguishes Your Character, and your Memorialist as in duty bound will every pray &c Sarah WHEELER New York April 23d 1782
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Headquarters Papers of the British Army in America, PRO 30/55/4461. Click here for ---> Female Ancestors Main Page The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies Copyright Restrictions Document Formatting Optimal Viewing |