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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Female Ancestors
Widows to Clinton

To His Excellency Sir Henry CLINTON
Knight of the most Honorable Order of the
Bath, General & Commander in Chief of all
His Majesty’s Forces in North America &c
&c &c

May it Please Your Excellency—

We the Widows of Provincial Officers Kill’d in different Actions with the Rebels, being left together with our Families (when His Majesty’s Bounty of one years full Pay is expended) without farther support and entirely destitute; have been induced humbly to Petition The Right Honorable Lord George GERMAINE to lay our distress before His Majesty, hoping for His Gracious consideration of our misfortunes.

But that His Majesty may be assured we are proper objects for His Royal Benevolence, we most humbly entreat your Excellency will out of your great humanity be pleased to Authenticate our Melancholy Situation—

And we shall ever Pray—

Frances DONGAN
Elizabeth WATKINS

New York 14th Feby.

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 85, item 19.

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