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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Female Ancestors
Letter from Nan Robinson, 1778

Tuesday 1 May 1778

Can you my Dear Brother forgive and receive again in your favor her who has or justly merited your displeasure.

I can say nothing in excuse for not writing, I do not attempt to defend myself, I plead guilty, and I have only the mercy of my Judge to rely on. Surely the sentence ought not to be very sever on the self convicted criminal.

You need not doubt that I should have wrote to you constantly by every Opportunity if you had not had one who made ample amends for the omission of every other friend, and after whose letters all others must have appeared flat and insipid if not quite disagreeable, but I think the least said on these occasions the better.

I only wish to convince you that whatever may happen hereafter my love for my relations is not yet totally eradicated.

Mrs. ROBINSON is trying to get some books to send you. I wish she may succeed for your situation at present must be very unpleasant and require something to pass the time.

You perhaps have heard of the gaiety of New York this winter, indeed I cant tell you how [illegible] we have been, almost every night public amusements.

I was last night at a Ball given by Mrs. RICKETS (by the way you can have no idea how much she is in fashion) it was vastly elegant, a crowd of gentlemen and fifteen ladies.

Mrs. ARNOLD was there and looked like an angel.

The company broke up at two oclock we should perhaps have gone away earlier if it had not been for the entertaining Miss WILLIAMS who said so many good things that it was impossible to keep from one continual laugh, after many attempts to keep Major B[ARCLAY] awake she told him he was unfit for society and insisted on his being sent to bed.

We dined last week on board the Royal Oak and had a dance in the evening.

We have been too to see the London and in short every thing that is worth seeing we have seen.

I am interrupted to go and dress for the concert this evening. I must quit you for the Day if the fleet don't sail I will write again tomorrow.

I am disappointed, I intended giving you a discription of this nights amusements but I have not a moments time. Mrs. COLEBURN goess immediately.

Farewall my Dearest Brother. Believe me yours affectionately

[signed]   Nan ROBINSON

     Bev is at my side- he
beged me to let him write
and gives his love to his
Dear own Papa. I write
now on the edge of Nurses
tea table-

Collections of the New Brunswick Museum, Beverly Robinson Papers, F 18, #1.

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