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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Property Confiscations
Essex County

PUBLIC notice is hereby given to all persons who have in their custody or power, any goods or chattels, bonds, bills, mortgages, notes, books of accounts, or other instruments of writing, or who are indebted to the following fugitives and offenders, now with the enemy, viz.

David OGDEN, sen. David OGDEN, jun. Uzal WARD, William STILES, Nathaniel WILLIAMS, Thomas BRUEN, Griffen JENKINS, Stephen SKINNER, Benjamin BOOTH, Joseph KINGSLAND, Robert DRUMMOND, Lewis GREENFIELD, Stephen FARRAND, John WHEELER, Ebenezer WARD, jun. Isaac LONGWORTH, jun. Isaac OGDEN, Nicholas OGDEN, Nathaniel RICHARDS, Jonathon SAYRES, Isaac LONGWORTH, Thomas LONGWORTH, John VANWAGENER, Garrabrant GARRABRANTS, Jacob BROWER, Garret WOUTERS, Caleb SAYRES, Josiah BANKS, Joseph HALLETT, Peter WOODS, Peter BROWN, Benjamin PEIRSON, Richard STANTON, Richard YATES, Peter MOWRISON, George WELLS, Thomas GALBREATH, Pepper CLOPPER, Abraham VAN GESON, jun. the Rev. Isaac BROWNE, Derick SCHUYLER, William MAXWELL, Francis BATEY, Nicholas GARRABRANT, John WHITE, William BROOKS, James COLVIN, Cornelius BROOKS, Thomas ASTON, Garret JACOBUS, Isaac KINGSLAND, Henry STAGER, Samuel HARRISON, Peter DUBOIS, Aaron PEIRSON, Hugh GAINE, Isaac STILES, Samuel HUDINOT, Nicholas HOFFMAN, Dr. Uzal JOHNSON, John COURTER, jun. and James GRAY;

and shall neglect to make immediate discovery thereof to one or more of us the subscribers, Commissioners for the County of Essex, may expect to be dealt with as the law in that case hath provided.

                                              Joseph Hedden, jun.    }
                                              Samuel Hayes,             }    Commissioners
                                              Thomas Canfield,         }

State of New-Jersey, Essex County, Dec. 9 1778.

The New Jersey Gazette, (Trenton), December 16, 1778.

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