The links on this page will take you to various articles, period papers and other records of the Volunteers of Ireland.

Recruiting Notice, 1778
Clinton to Germain Re Regular Establishment, 1778
List of Officers Accompanying Clinton Letter, n.d.
St. Patrick's Day Celebration, 1779
Prisoners' Petition to Congress, 1779
Chipman to Innes, 1779
State of the Volunteers of Ireland, 1779
A St. Patrick's Day Song, 1780
Ammunition Needed, 1780
Rawdon to Andre´ Resigning his Rank in the Line, 1780
Germain to Clinton Re Rawdon's Rank, 1780
Complaint of Captain Barry, 1780
Doyle to Keens Ordering Arrest of Captain Barry, 1780
Doyle to Andre´ Advising Captain Barry to be Arrested, 1780
Doyle to Andre´ Advising Charges Against Captain Barry, 1780
General Orders, 1782
Witness for Mrs. Elizabeth Whitley, Widow of Ensign Charles Davys Whitley, 1782
Memorial of Captain Barry, n.d.

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For information please contact Todd Braisted
Updated 3/20/10
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