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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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Loyalist Muster Rolls
New Hampshire Volunteers

Despite its name, this corps was raised at New York City and Philadelphia by Major William STARK of New Hampshire, brother to the Rebel General John Stark.

It first recruited in the spring of 1777 but seems to have been drafted into the Queen’s American Rangers in New Jersey in June of 1777.

For reasons unknown, at least some officers continued to recruit for the corps. Two of them, Captains McKINNON and CAMPBELL, raised men at Philadelphia after that city’s capture.

The rolls of their companies, the only known to exist for the unit, are presented below.

After this muster the companies were drafted, most finding their way into the 2nd Battalion, New Jersey Volunteers and the King’s Orange Rangers.

Several officers of this corps found their way into the Guides & Pioneers.

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New Hampshire Volunteers Muster Rolls

     Bullet  Captain Donald Campbell's Company, 8 December 1777

     Bullet  Captain John McKinnon's Company, 8 December 1777

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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