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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

New Hampshire Volunteers
Campbell's Company

Muster Roll of Men belonging to Majr. STARK’s Corps in Capt. CAMPBELL’s Company Inlisted Since last Muster-

Philadelphia Decr. 8th 1777

John McKAY 24 Novr. 1777 Capt. CAMPBELL
Matthew McKRAY      Do Do
Thomas HUMPHREYS 25 Do Do
Alexander THOMAS      Do Do
John PHILIPS   3 Decr. 1777 Capt. McALPINE
James GRIMES   4 Do Lt. CLOSE
John CARTER 15 Sept. 1777 Lt. STARK with Q.A. Rangers
Samuel ROSEN 31 Augt. 1777 Do         Do
William MAY   7 Decr. 1777 Capt. CAMPBELL

Philadelphia 10th Decr. 1777
Dond. CAMPBELL  Capt.

National Archives of Canada, RG 8, “C” Series, Volume 1894, folio 10.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 2/01/01

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