The following document is compliments of Alan Shields.

 Click to enlarge.
R. F. An. Regiment
Return of 200 days Forrage, Baggage, and Batt Money, for the year 1781.
No. of |
Rations |
Rank |
P diem |
Forrage |
Baggage |
Batt |
Total |
1 Lieut. Colonel Commandant |
9 |
£ 45 |
£ 7 10 |
£ 10 |
£ 62. 10. |
1 Major |
7 |
35 |
7 10 |
10 |
52. 10. |
2 Captains |
10 |
50 |
15 |
20 |
85. |
1 Captain Lieutenant |
3 |
15 |
7 10 |
| 22. 10. |
1 Subaltern |
1 |
5 |
3 15 |
| 8. 15. |
5 more |
5 |
25 |
18 15 |
| 13. 15. |
1 Chaplain |
1 |
5 |
5 | | 10. |
1 Adjutant |
1 |
5 |
5 | | 10. |
1 Quarter Master |
1 |
5 |
5 | | 10. |
1 Surgeons Chest |
2 |
10 |
5 | 10 |
25. |
1 Mate |
2 |
10 |
3 15 |
| 13. 15. |
Total Amount |
42 |
210 |
83 15 |
50 |
343. 15. |
N.B. 2nd Lieut. STREET Prisoner with the Rebels not Included.
[signed] Jos. GOREHAM Lt. Col.
Commdt. R F A
Dy. Inspr. Gl. of P. Forces
Officers Names
Lieut. Colo. Commandt. |
Joseph GOREHAM |
Major |
Thomas BATT |
Captains |
George BURNS |
Captn. Lieutenant |
Philip BAILY |
Subalterns |
Richard WILSON |
Alexander ACHESON |
Constant CONNOR |
Alexander SUTHERLAND |
Winkworth TONGE |
Chaplain |
Adjutant |
Peter CLINCH |
Quarter Master |
Robert SPEARS |
Surgeon |
Walter CULLEN |
Mate |
Ambrose SHARMAN |
R F A Regiment
Return of 200 days Batt
Baggage & Forage Money
for the year 1781
£ 343. 15. 0.

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