A Contingent Accot. for the Hospital of the Royal Fencible American Regiment, between 25th December 1777 & 24th June 1778
To paid Ann MADDEN Nurse, her wages for the above time, being 182 days at 8 ½ P diem |
£ 6. 8. 11. |
Pd. do for soap, washing &c. |
2. 15. 0. |
do Alexr SMYTHE for Truckage of wood |
2. 10. 0. |
do Mary CONNOLLY for washing the Hospital bedding |
1. 10. 0. |
do Extra allowance of beef the above time |
2. 7. 6. |
do for Vinegar |
1. 0. 0. |
do for Wine |
2. 10. 0. |
£ 19. 1. 5. |
I Certify upon honor as directed by order of the Commander in Chief, that the above Charges are the real ones that have Incurred & no more to the best of my knowledge & belief.
Walter CULLEN Surgeon
R.F.A. Regimt.
No. 4
Surgeon CULLEN’s particular
Accot. for the Regimtl. Hospital
from 25th December 1777 to
24th June 1778.
£ 19. 1. 5.
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Treasury, Class 1, Volume 642, folio 83.

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Updated 10/01/00
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