Accot. of Money paid for apprehending Deserters from the Royal Fencible American Regiment for Six months from 25th December 1778 to 24th June 1779.
Names |
when apprehended |
Amount |
Total Amount |
James McINALLY |
25th Decemr. 1778 |
£ 1. 1. 0. |
do do |
1. 1. 0. |
Patrick QUIRK |
do do |
1. 1. 0. |
1st January 1779 |
1. 1. 0. |
William HIERLY |
do do |
1. 1. 0. |
John OBRIAN Junr. |
do do |
1. 1. 0. |
Thomas JORDAN |
7th May do |
1. 1. 0. |
Edward CUMMINS |
5th June do |
1. 1. 0. |
Edward EAGAN |
11th do do |
1. 1. 0. |
£ 9. 9. 0. |
NB The Pay Mr. paid £ 2 each for the first named six deserters, agreeable to former allowance, as they were publickly advertised & that sum actually paid, the difference being 19s/ for each Brigadr. Genl. McLEAN was acquainted with the Circumstances
5. 14. 0. |
15. 3. 0. |
No. 8
Accot. For apprehending
Deserters to 24th June 1779
£15. 3. 0.
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Treasury, Class 1, Volume 642, folio 94.

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Updated 10/01/00
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