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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Black Loyalists
Runaway Notice

RUN AWAY from the subscriber, on the evening of the 23d ult. a Negro Lad named FORTUNE, about eighteen years of age, of a brownish cast, and much pitted with the small pox, is slender made, and about five feet seven or eight inches high, came from Georgia about ten months ago with Major DRUMMOND of the New-Jersey Volunteers, is very fond of dress, and generally wears a small round hat bound with silver lace; one of his eyes are sore and much inflamed.

Whoever will apprehend said Negro, and bring him to No. 42, White-Hall, or give information where he may be had, shall receive TWO GUINEAS reward, paid by


N.B. All persons and masters of vessels, are forewarned harbouring or secreting said negro at their peril, as in case of conviction they will be dealt with accordingly.

New-York, September 1, 1780.

The Royal Gazette, (New York), September 2, 1780.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
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Moving on: Black Loyalists in the Afro-Atlantic World
by John W. Pulis
