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Captain SHAW presents his best respects to Mr. MORSE and by desire of Mr. ATKINSON sends him Paterns of Trowsers for winter and summer, and tin Cartridge Magazines proposed for the Provincial Troops in Georgia and Carolina, if approv’d of by Lord AMHERST. Capt. SHAW thinks the tin magazines the best kind of accoutrements for these Troops – they preserve the ammunition from wet particularly better than any other, as he saw proved in the course of last Campaign, and the kinds then used (by some of the light Companies) were inferior in construction to the Paterns now sent. Trowsers save both Breeches and stockings, and are worn by the whole American Army both men and Officers as being reckon’d the best wear for service.
C. SHAW is prevented by indisposition from waiting personally on Mr. MORSE.
[March 13, 1780]
Great Britain, Public Record Office, War Office, Class 34, Volume 161, folio 258.
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