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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Spies & Intelligence
Chew to André

N York 15th Novr 1779


The bearers Geo HARDEN & Thos WARD who have so Often faithfully Exerted themselves in going with messages & Endeavoring to Obtain Inteligence of the Enemies desiyns, Wher Ordered Quarters by Genl Daniel JONES at the desire of my Lord RAWDON, which at a Great Expence they made Tennable & I am Very Sorry to Inform you are now Ordered out.

I therefore Pray your Interposition and that you will Please to give orders that they may Remain unmolested I am sure they merit it, and have for some time Past held themselves Ready at my desire to go on such service as you may direct-

I am with Great Respect
Your most Obedt Servant


University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 75, item 32.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated: 03/26/2025 06:43:13

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