A Calculation of what the Company of St. Johns Volunteers would annually cost Government if completed to the Number of 100 men as first proposed to be rais'd for the protection of said Island.
Subsistence for Ditto |
Pay Per Day |
Pay Per Year |
1 Captain Commandant |
10/ |
182. 10. 0. |
1 Captain Lieutenant |
4/8d |
85. 3. 4. |
1 First Lieutenant |
4/8d |
85. 3. 4. |
1 Second Lieutenant |
3/8d |
66. 18. 4. |
4 Serjeants |
1/6 |
109. 10. 0. |
4 Corporals |
1/ |
73. 0. 0. |
2 Drummers |
1/ |
36. 10. 0. |
90 Privates |
8d |
1095. 0. 0. |
3 Contingent Men |
6d |
27. 7. 6. |
£1761. 2. 6. |
Provisions for Ditto
Per Week is 728 Rations, amounts to 37,856 Rations for 1 Year, which is supposed will cost Government 1/ Per Ration- |
1892. 16. 0. |
Deduct 2/2d Per Ration for Stoppages- |
394. 6. 8. |
£1498. 9. 4. |
Barrack Account for Ditto
To the Officers, 2 1/2 Rooms |
To the Men, 8 1/2 Rooms- In all 11 [Rooms] |
Equal to 209 Cords of Wood @ 13/6 |
136. 1. 6. |
Ditto to 326 Ct Candles @ 1/8 |
27. 3. 4. |
£163. 4. 10. |
Bed and Utensil Money
for 4 Officers |
3. 8. 0. |
for 100 Men |
3. 19. 2. |
£7. 7. 2. |
Forrage, Baggage and Batt Money being allowed |
for 200 Days- the same will stand as follows Vizt. |
Captain Commandant |
65. 0. 0. |
Captain Lieutenant |
42. 10. 0. |
First Lieutenant |
8. 15. 0. |
Second Lieutenant |
8. 15. 0. |
£125. 0. 0. |
Total Expence for one Year |
£3335. 3. 10. |
In Govr. PATTERSON's (No. 6)
of 10th Octr. 1780
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Colonial Office, Class 226, Volume 7, folios 98-99.

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Updated 12/15/99
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