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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

South Carolina Royalists
State of the Regiment

State of the South Carola. Roylist. Commanded by Alexr. INNES Colonel.

24th April 1780

Present & Fit for Duty-

1 Colonel, 5 Captains, 7 Lieutenants, 6 Ensigns, 1 Chaplain, 1 Adjt., 1 Quarter Master, 1 Surgeon, 1 Surgeon’s Mate, 18 Serjeants, 4 Drummers, 165 Rank and File.

Absent, On Command and Recruiting-

3 Serjeants, 1 Drummer, 46 Rank & File.

Prisoners with the Rebels.-

18 Rank & File.


6 Serjeants, 57 Rank & File.


--  --  --

Total Effectives-

27 Serjeants, 5 Drummers, 286 Rank & File.

Wanting to Compleat-

3 Drummers, 191 Rank & File.

Alterations Since last Return-

-- Enlisted;  -- Transfered;  -- Discharged;  3 Dead;  -- Deserted.

Officers Absent and for What Reason-

Major MCLEANEN- Prisoner with the Rebels
Ensign STEVENSON- left Sick at Savanah
Capt MURPHY- Sick at Linings
Ensign MURPHY-  Do     Do
Capt RAISINGER- Absent on Command
Lt GRIGGENS-            Do             Do
Ensign BISHOP-          Do             Do

Coll So. Carol. Roys.

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 94, item 43.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 6/01/00

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