South Carolina Royalists |
Head quarters Savanah December the 8th 1779 Ever Honoured father and Mother I take this opertunity to Let you know that I am well at Preasent and hoping these may find you and Brothers and Sisters in the Same state. Brother Peter is with Colonal MORE of the Melitia about 70 miles from thense on ogeche Neer Moseles ferry and was well about a weecke ago as I had a Letter from him then I have had it sertain account that Brother Sammuel has made his Escape from Charls town prison Las Sunday was a week with about an hundred more with him and I undestand he intends for Bush River. William HARRIS and John FANNER is arrived here part of the same Compiny and a many others. Captain Robart TURNER is here and well and desires if possible to to send word to his wife Like wise the FIELDES William and Joseph Likewise Let my wife know that I am well and Likewise Joseph EVERY and wife this day news is Come to town that our fleet is arrived and if so you may depend on seeing us soon if god permits we have had perhaps as hard sege as Ever has Been sinse the Rebelion began we ware Brocked up both by Land and water from the 10th of September until october the 18th During which time a grate part was taking up in Cannading and Ball Bumbarding from Both sids the[y] threw upwards of a 1000 Shells into our works Besids Some thousands of Balls and a quantity of Carcasses in order to burn the town october the 9th the[y] made a general atack on us about the Brake of day which Loysted about an our and half after which time the[y] Thought proper to Retreat Leaving upwards of four hundred of their Bist troops on the ground the Loss on our Side did not Exceed fifty killed and wounded. I am Ensign in Captain Robart PARRIS Company of the South Carowlinah Royalest. I had a very Bad Spell of the flux about the Begining of September But after about two wicks Sickness through gods Mercy I Recovered my health again we are in grate Spirits and hops to Return to our homes again in a short time we have as good wheat Bread and porke and Butter and Rum and a great Plenty of it as perhaps Ever was made use of I have not Eaten one mouthfull of Corn Bread Sense I Left home goods is very plenty here although Midling deer as is all ways the laye in war time. I heard from my wife about two weeks ago and She was well then. William NICOLS and Simon NICOLS and Icac VARNUM is all well. So no more at Present but Remains your Loving Son whilst death
take Care how you Conduct your Selvs as I heard that Some of your Neghbours has Been taesting of the forbiding fruit which Perhaps the[y] may be sorry for in a day when its too Late which had the[y] Stayed with us when the[y] hat the opetunity perhaps it might Been as well.
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