South Carolina Militia |
Camp at Owens’s Plantation Dear Sir As my Lord CORNWALLIS may probably have heard that there was some firing Yesterday morning near Lisles’s ford, please inform Him that I got Notice of it Yesterday between three & four in the Afternoon from A man who came in great Haste & fear & told me 30 or forty Shotts were fired near the ford; I immediately Sent two trusty men to know the Cause, they came back early this morg. & brought me A letter from Capt. HILL of the Militia acquainting me it was a Party of Capt. GILLAM’s Company of Militia who began so early to Celebrate Christmass by firing their Pieces & I have learned from the men Sent that the Militia had got Plenty of Rum which made them feel bold.
I am Dear HALDANE [Lieut. Henry HALDANE]
Great Britain, Public Record Office, Cornwallis Papers, PRO 30/11/4, folios 388-389. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More South Carolina Militia History
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