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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

South Carolina Militia

As the Militia will be intrusted with Arms, and be Employ'd to Watch over the interests and Safety of their fellow Subjects; And as the Chief Officers will in a Considerable degree have the Authority of Civil Majestrates, And have it in Charge to preserve the Peace and Support the Laws as well as defend the Constitution, untill the thorough Establishment of Civil Government, it is of the first Consequence that Such Men Alone are Chosen for Officers, or Admited to every Arms in the Militia, as Sincerely Abhor the Rebel Tyrany, And wish for a return of true British Liberty Under the King And old Constitution:

Wherefore however Much the Loyalists may be Inclined to forgive the former Proceedings of those Men who have taken an Active And Willing Part with the rebels, it is Incumbent upon them not to receive them as Guardians of their Rights And happiness, Untill time Shall Show the Sincerity of their Reformation.

After the Men of each Company have Assembled and have Chosen their Captains, Lieutenants, And Ensigns, and have entered their Names as Militia Men, and that all Such have been rejected as Are distrusted and objected to by the Others, The Captains will then Inform them of the following Arrangements designed for the Militia.

   1st      That every man who is received into the Militia Shall be ready to Assemble at all times When required, And perform Militia Duty within the Limmits of his own district, According to the regulations which may be Establishd. for that Purpose.

   2nd      That all Militia Men who are Under 40 Years of Age And not Incumbered with more than three Children, or disabled by any bodily Infirmity, Shall if requir'd Embody themselves And Co-oparate with the Brittish Troops, within the limits of the two Carolinas And Georgia, Agains[t] His Majestys Enemys Natural and Foreign, According to the Orders they may receive from the Commander in Chief or Officer Acting by his Authority, Whenever the Publick Service Shall render it Necessary; provided that the Militia Men when Embodyed receive Pay and provision, and that the Term of Such Service does not Exceed Six Months of the twelve.

The above terms to be Signed by all those who Are willing to Unite, And Act in Concert for their Common Safety; And it is Particularly recommended to the Captains to take Care that none but Good and trusty Men who Are approved of by the Men of their Compy. Are Suffered to Sign.

The Several Captains of Militia when duely Chosen by the Men of their Companys will, Untill they receive further Instructions Exert themselves if Necessary to preserve the Publick Peace, and Suport the Kings Government, taking Care that Nothing is done Contrary to the Laws that were in force before the Rebellion.

They will Imediately get a return from every Inhabitant whatsoever within the bounds of their Companys of all Arms and Amunition of every Sort in their Possesion, As well as of all Property belonging to the rebel States, or taken from Loyalists, in Order to keep them from being removed or Embezeled.

They will without loss of time Prepare Returns of their Companys, Specifying the Age of the Men, Whether Married or Batchelors, And the Number of their Children.

They will Also Procure a Simular return of all those Inhabitants within their bounds that ought not to be receiv'd into the Militia, or be Intrusted with Arms.

They will from time to time Admit into their Companys and Good Subjects who may have been absent at their first Meetings, And who shall appear to their Men to deserve their Confidence, and to be worthy of being Intrusted with Arms in defence of their King, Country and Libertys-

Inspector of Militia


Great Britain, Public Record Office, Cornwallis Papers, PRO 30/11/4, folios 440-441.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 4/01/00

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