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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

South Carolina Militia
Arms & Ammunition

Charlestown So. Carolina 9th August 1781


You are hereby directed and required to Issue out of His Majesty's Stores at this place to Capt. William GIBSON, the arms, ammunition &c undermentioned; the Same being for Service of Colonel LECHMERs Militia at Beaufort and defence of the Vessels a Forageing in the Inland Navigation.

For the Beaufort Militia under the Command of Col. LECHMERE

Musquets British with Bayonets & Scabbards   20
Cartouch boxes with belts & Frogs   20

For Defence of the Vessels

Shot   round   loose   3 Pdrs.   60
Shot   round   loose   1/2 Pdrs. 100
Wadhooks with Staves   3 Pdrs.     3
Spunge with Stave & rammer heads   3 Pdrs.     3
Spunge with Stave & rammer heads   1/2 Pdrs.     3
Cartridges   paper   empty   3 Pdrs.   70
Cartridges   paper   empty   1/2 Pdrs. 110
Powder   Corn'd   Whole Barrel     1
Match   slow   lbs     7
Sheepskins     1
Sponge Tacks 100

And for so doing this with his receipt Shall be your Sufficient order & voucher.

Comg. &c

To George WRAY Esqr.
Commissary to the Royal Artillery

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Charlestown So. Carolina 9th Augt. 1781

Received of George WRAY Esqr. Commissary to the Royal Artillery the Arms, ammunition &c. above mentioned; the Same being for Service of Colonel LECHMOREs Militia at Beaufort, and defence of the Vessels in the Inland Navigation Sent a Forageing; pursuant to the above Order.


University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Wray Papers, Volume 7.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 4/01/00

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