Account of Cash disbursed by Lieutenant Colonel John PETERS to sundry Persons for Government Services on the Expedition Commanded by Lieutenant General John BURGOYNE- Vizt.-
1777 |
June 2d |
To Wm. AMSBURY for going Express to Genl. SULLIVAN |
per Order Genl. BURGOYNE- |
12. 10. 0. |
12th |
To 5 Men for going as Spies by the Generals Order |
5. 16. 8. |
To 5 Pair Compasses for do. @ 2/6 |
12. 6. |
July 13th |
To Col. HALE Prisoner at Tyconderogua per Order |
Brigr. Genl. HAMILTON- |
3. 10. 0. |
20th |
To Elijah GROUT for Carrying Genl. BURGOYNE's |
Proclamation to Connecticut River |
2. 6. 8. |
Augt. 1st |
To Sundry Persons for 18 Fusils @ 10/ |
9. 0. 0. |
Sept. 15th |
To Phineas MUNN per Order of Brig. Genl. FRASER |
4. 13. 4. |
To do for 1 Pair large Compasses |
0. 4. 0. |
To Cash advanced at sundry times for the |
Recruiting Service- |
28. 5. 0. |
66. 18. 2. |
Received of the above by Elijah GROUT |
2. 6. 8. |
64. 11. 6. |
Great Britain, British Library, Additional Manuscripts, No. 21827, folio 18.

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