[This document was captured from the rebels when Tarleton attacked Tallmadge at Pound Ridge on July 2nd, 1779.]
Poundridge June 30th 1779
The bearer of this is one Jervis COLES Captn. of Militia at Oysterbay on Long Island. He was some time Since taken by a Party of Militia from Horseneck.
The Papers in his Possession Sufficiently Shew how far he has been active against us.
I should recommend that he be Delivered to the Commy. of Prisoners for the State of N. York, whose name I am told is Garret Van Waggoner, now at the Highlands or with Genl. McDougall.
Col. Mead who Sent the Prisoner to me proposed his being exchanged for Captn. Williams of the State of N. York, who was taken last Winter at Mr. Youngs Tavern near Tarry Town. Perhaps no man could be of more Service to us While in this Quarter than that man.
However, your honour can do with him as may be tho’t proper.
I have taken his parole, a Copy of which he has with him.
I am, Sir, with much Respect
Your Most Obt. Servant
Benjn. Tallmadge
Maj. Commdt. 2nd Regt. L.D.
Genl. Heath
University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 62, item 32.

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