Queen's American Rangers |
Valentines Hill December 30th 1776 Whereas his Majestys Service makes it absolutely Necessary that Recruits should be raised, this is to Certify that Mr. Daniel STRANG or any other Gentleman who may bring in Recruits shall have Commissions according to the number he or they shall bring in for the Queens American Rangers. No more than forty Shillings bounty to be given to any man which is to be apply’d towards purchasing Necessary- to serve during the present Rebellion, and no longer- they will have their proportion of all Rebel Lands and all privaledges equal to any of his Majestys troops. The Officers are to be the best Judges in what manner they are to get their men in, either by partys, detachments, or other wise, as may seem most advantageous, which men are to be Attested before the first Majistrate within the Brittish lines.
Robert ROGERS Historical Society of Massachusetts, Heath Papers, Volume 3, folio 57. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More Queen's American Rangers History
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