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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

Prince of Wales' American Regiment
Petition of John Ellison

Honourd. Sir

The humble petition of John ELLISON Most Respectfully Sheweth that your Honours petitioner has been Confin’d three months in provost as a deserter from Brigr. Genl. BROWNs Core in which I was trepann’d From His Majesty’s Ship the Syren.

Having then 120 Guineas due to me for my Servitude on Board of The royal navy, which I made known to the Commanding officer of the aforesaid Corps, who apointed me Searjt. and obliged me to do duty as such and was soon afterwards sent to Rhode Island, where I attempted to make my case known to Admiral BYRON at this arival there-

But was confin’d for the same And Prevented for so doing, for which I left them and came to new york, and the day I ariv’d was taken up and confin’d here, for to be sent to the Reg’mt. Which is now lying at Charlestown, therefore I humbly crave that Your Honour will take this My case into consideration and Grant me a hearing as there is a warrant Officer here who Belong’d on Board the said Ship with me, and other Evidences that will testify the aforemention’d at a Minutes Warning.

I Remain Your Hons. Humble petitioner

Provt. Sepr. 8th 1780

The Honourable President
    of the Courtmartial

University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Sir Henry Clinton Papers, Volume 122, item 23.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 12/15/99

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