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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies

New York Volunteers
Mr. Townsend's Funeral Expenses

Amount of Sundries bought for Mr. TOWNSEND's Funeral - 1782-
Mr. O'HARRA's Acct for wine &c £      6.  18.   0.
Parson JENKING's do        2.    3.   6.
Mr. PEARCE's do for the Coffin        6.  10.   8.
Cash pd for 26 Yds linnen @ 4/8        6.    1.   4.
   do  pd for 36 Yds Crape        1.    2.   0.
   do  pd for 10 pr Kid Gloves @ 3/6        1.  15.   0.
   do  pd for Cake             19. 10.
   do  pd for ferrage               9.   4.
      25.  19.   8.
Major SHERIDAN Paid £       1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Captain KANE Paid (Copper)         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Captain McLEAN Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Captain JOHNSTON Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Captain GREY Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Captain DEPYSTER Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Lieut. HUNT Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Lieut. McGREGOR Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Lieut. JOHNSTON Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Lieut. CLOPPER Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Lieut. WALKER Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Ensign HUMPHRIES Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Ensign DuBOIS Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
Doctor GIBB Paid         1.  17.   1 & 3/7
      25.  19.   8.

New-York Historical Society, Capt. DePeyster Papers, 1741-1836, page 35.

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The On-Line Institute for Advanced Loyalist Studies
For information please contact Todd Braisted

Updated 12/15/99

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