New York Volunteers |
By His Excellency The Honorable Thomas GAGE General and Commander in Chief of all His Majesty's Forces in North America &ca &ca &ca |
To Lieutenants Duncan CAMPBELL and Alexander GRANT, You are hereby directed to Embark on Board the Rebecca and Francis Transport, George HASTINGS Master, and to proceed as fast as possible to New York, where you are to receive on Board your Ship such Men, as may be inclined to serve His Majesty, and you are particularly to attend to the Arrival of Ships from Scotland, and to procure as many Men out of them as you possibly can, and you are to do your Endeavour, not to suffer any of those Emigrants to join the Rebels on shore every Encouragement to all the Scotch and other Nations that will Join you. Captain VANDEPUT of His Majesty's Ship Asia will give you all the Assistance in his Power, and with whom you will confer when there may be occasion; You will continue at New York as long as the Service you are upon may require, when you are to Return to this place with all Expedition, bringing as many Volunteers with you as you can procure-
Given &c University of Michigan, William L. Clements Library, Thomas Gage Papers, Volume 131. Click here for ---> Regimental History Main Page More New York Volunteers History
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